Sahaj Guptaa's profile

Mayhem: Fashion Film

"In a world obsessed with perfection, a scarred protagonist
embarks on a transformative fashion journey,
discovering that true beauty lies in embracing imperfections
and showcasing the power of self-acceptance.”
The protagonist sitting straight, gazes into the mirror as the make-up artist extends her hand to apply concealer on her scar.
The protagonist gets agitated and swiftly moves her hand away.
Close-up shots of the protagonists scars are showcased.
The protagonist is seated on an elevated height while the painters paint her portrait.
As the protagonist walks towards the easel the close-up of the painting she notices her lips and eyes
have been painted in a whimsical way with no traces of her scars.
Unpleased with her portrayal the protagonist swishes her dagger across the canvas.
As she reaches the last easel, she raises her dagger just to find a mirror that reflects her true self,
she is stunned and the raised dagger falls off her hand.
Mansaa Sehgal
Hany Pesh
Akshay Sakhare
Sourish Jape
Harshal Nahata

Sahaj Guptaa

Natesh Santosh

Ritam Chatterjee

Title Sequence
Sahaj Guptaa

Art Director
Mansi Arora

Tanisha Anam

Prosthetic Artist
Yagna Sahapathi 
Harshal Nahata
Ved Vyas

Sound Composer
Anuj Joshi

Mayhem: Fashion Film